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Health Screening

Allergy/Intolerance Tests

If you are suffering from allergies then why not check out Allergy UK for more information


​We offer two types of allergy tests for those looking for a bit more information on possible  allergens/intolerances, the ALEX IgE Test and the YourGutMap Sensitivity Test


However, we​ advise those who believe they are suffering from a serious allergy to contact their doctor for further investigations. The diagnosis of allergic disease is mostly made on clinical grounds supported by a detailed history and the outcome of skin tests, however laboratory investigations are a useful tool in the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases and can be very helpful in the assessment of disease activity


Both our tests are offered from the pharmacy as a private service, this involves a blood sample being taken via a finger prick and sent to a laboratory for testing.

Food Sensitivity Testing


What is a food sensitivity?
A food sensitivity is developed due to an adverse delayed response to foods that is usually caused by the immune system. 

Why do food sensitivities develop?
Typically it is a sign that the foods being consumed are not being effectively digested and larger particles are entering the bloodstream as undigested proteins which can trigger an immune response. This simply looks to break down the larger undigested food to smaller molecules that can be absorbed. Similarly how the immune system attacks a virus to break down a pathogen. As a result of this it caused inflammation in the body that provoked symptoms. It can be said that food sensitivity can be associated with your favourite foods those that are consumed in high quantities, but there are many other factors to consider:

  • How food is processed​

  • Fertilisers used in the farming process

  • Overconsumption of antibiotics

  • Genetics

  • Stress

  • Poor gut bacteria

  • Leaky gut syndrome


What are the symptoms associated with food sensitivity?
IBS, IBD, Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Fatigue, Migraine, Stomach cramps 


How does taking a test help improve the symptoms?
Through a simple finger prick test, we can help identify raised IgG levels against trigger foods in the diet. Having a guided food elimination diet helps identify food to consume, limit or avoid being able to reduce the immune load/ inflammation in the body.  This would then form the basis of a three month diet plan in order to allow the symptoms to reduce.


ALEX Allergy Test

The ALEX test is an IgE test which is  the most comprehensive available and is used and recommended by the NHS and private allergy consultants. This is the only test that is available in this format outside of a professional allergy setting.


An example ALEX outcome report can be seen here


This test costs £300 including the appointment, test and outcome report

Other Tests

DNA Testing


Your Genetics 
Play a crucial role in your health, but your genes do not have to be your destiny. Understanding your genetic predispositions can give you the vital tools to understand and manage your health. There is a two-way interaction between your DNA and your lifestyle, DNAMap gives you the tools to help optimise your nutrition and health in line with your genes.​ DNAMap explores your personal genetic profile within the context of 8 elements of health and wellbeing: digestion, metabolism, stress, immunity, nutrients, stimulants, exercise and sleep.

Your Test
A simple at home saliva swab is sent to the Lab for analysis. Through complex genetic analysis, YourGutMap identifies your genes.


Your Health Report 
Provides detailed insights into which aspects of your genetic makeup can affect your health. Unlocking key health insights from 30 SNPs (genetic variations)


Your Nutrition & Lifestyle Guide 
Provides guidance on how to manage your diet and lifestyle in accordance with your genetic makeup. From basic insights such as how well you can tolerate caffeine, all the way through to how your genes are suited to digestion, micronutrients, exercise and many more.
Free shipping of your test kit

Your Data
We take your privacy seriously, each DNA sample is destroyed after testing, and your data is completely anonymous, with a unique barcode ID.
Free shipping of your test kit.
Free shipping of your sample to the lab.
Secure log in to view and download results.

Microbiome Testing


​What does the test do?
Your Microbiome your digestive system is home to trillions of bacteria that make up your Microbiome.

Modern diets, lifestyles, and medication can cause imbalances in the microbiome – which are linked to chronic inflammation and metabolic dysfunction – key influences of many health problems.

Your Test

A simple at home stool swab is sent to our Lab for analysis. Through a mRNA genetic sequencing test, YourGutMap identifies microbiome imbalances.

Your AI Powered Health Report

Provides detailed insights into how your personal microbiome profile could be affecting your health, giving insights to 30+ health conditions.

Your Personal Diet Guide

All foods and drinks have different qualities that affect your microbiome (good and bad). Your Personal Diet Guide allows you to naturally rebalance and optimise your microbiome by making simple adjustments to your diet, based on analysis of 300+ foods and drinks.


Your personal diet guide will help coach you through naturally rebalancing your gut microbiome. Following this protocol can aid symptomatic improvements within 6 weeks. Published papers using our gut microbiome test saw the below improvements:

  • On average patients lost 7.2KG of weight loss

  • 63% increase in energy levels

  • 42% improvement in sleep disorders

  • 18% improvement in overall microbiome diversity


What does the testing involve?
Simple at home stool sample swab
Complete a simple 3 minute health quiz
Pre paid return postage to the Lab
Lab genetic analysis (3 weeks)
30+ page health report & personal diet guide

What do I get? 
Gut Health
Gut Age and Diversity
Bacteria Balance 
Health Scores
Prevalence to Health Conditions
AI Reporting Tool - offering customised food plans in aid of gut health, including over 300 foods




Your digestive system is home to trillions of bacteria that make up your Microbiome.


However unwanted bacteria and parasites can find their way into their gut. Whilst some parasites

are harmless, others can cause health problems. The YourGutMap Parasitology test is a complete screen of 22 of the most common parasites, viruses and pathogenic bacteria.


Simple at home stool sample swab from toilet roll

Microbiome PLUS

Combines the Microbiome and Parasitology tests above. 


Allergy/Intolerance Testing

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from you

Phone: 01779 473 525

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